Saturday, October 10, 2009

peanut allergy?

we found out on thursday that mattie may be allergic to peanuts. she developed a red rash that started the same day i gave her some peanut butter to eat. the rash seemed to be in a different place every time we changed her diaper, and looked like hives. at first i thought it may be a late reaction to one of the vaccines she had a week ago. i read that some children develop a rash as late as 7-12 days after receiving the MMR vaccine. plus, i know we have probably given mattie foods that have traces of peanuts in them over the last 6 months. i think i may have even given her peanut butter before! maybe it has just taken multiple exposures for her body to build up a response...

i am still hoping and praying that mattie's rash was related to the vaccine. it scares me to think about dealing with a peanut allergy. but we will do what we need to do to keep our little girl safe and happy. please pray for us!

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