Sunday, January 16, 2011

rebekah's 4th birthday and salsa making!

it's time to get the blog back up to date! i think i left off in september... here are pictures from our niece rebekah's totally fun fall birthday party and a few from our day of salsa making.

all fresh veggies from our garden

gotta love those romas!

the goggles really helped hold off the tears

rebekah zoe turns 4!

we played some fun games at bekah's dunking for apples. daddy was showing mattie how it's done.

after some coaxing, she finally tried it...

...and found the stem! yay!

then they brought out the big bucket! galen received some "help" from behind...

daddy's turn

hanging donuts - this one was a hit with the kids :) here's the birthday girl!

no hands!

here kids, let us show you how it's done!

fun times!

it was a beautiful, warm evening. the leaves were just starting to fall.

playing in the leaves

the kids covered glenn up with leaves...then pounced on him!

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