Thursday, June 10, 2010


we spent easter with the kauffman side at barry & lynne and grandpa's house. the highlight for mattie was an egg hunt around the lake. we realized that we hid the eggs pretty far apart... mattie often had to be guided to the next one instead of spotting it herself. but this way, each egg was a surprise! she enjoyed watching her collection grow in the basket. she didn't know there was anything hidden inside the eggs until we got back to the house - more surprises!

looking out at the lake with daddy - it was a beautiful spring day

she does look an awful lot like her daddy - big grin and blue, blue eyes!

this yellow hat was given to mattie that morning at church by katie immel's daugther, mallory

one of the first eggs mattie found, with gramma's help

grampa lending a helping hand

"oh, look!"

the wind kept blowing mattie's hat off

thanks for the cute outfit, uncle jason & aunt lisa!

hunting eggs was a family affair

mattie got tired before we made it the whole way around the lake

this egg was in a nest

picture time!

family picture

mattie's posed smile

showing uncle joel her collection of eggs. the hat looks good on you, joel!

opening the eggs - marshmallows and stickers. the marshmallows were her favorite - should've guessed that one!

her very own chocolate bunny from gramma & grampa. she promptly bit off the ears!

opening up another easter gift - a boz DVD, which has been a big hit!

coloring with sidewalk chalk. "make circle, mommy!"

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