Thursday, March 18, 2010

beating the winter blues

here are some fun shots from the month of february. they are in chronological order from top to bottom this time. enjoy!
i came downstairs one morning to find mattie and glenn playing in a fort they had built around the dining room table

complete with DVD player and toys!

mattie asks us to "sit" in the funniest locations sometimes

reading "numbers on the farm" with daddy before naptime

daddy's awesome hat. he was dressed up to go out on a date with his sweetheart for valentine's day. :)

valentine's day flowers from my wonderful hubby! mattie liked them, too!

mattie enjoys filling laundry baskets with toys, books, etc. and pushing them around the house. sometimes they are really heavy!

tea party with monkey

one of mattie's new favorite things... she brings her "pups" (cups) to the sink in the bathroom, stands on her step stool, turns on the water, and fills and empties the cups to her heart's content. here, she's asking me for her bib.

pizza night at WUPO (west unity pizza oven)!

this one's for you, grampa! she pushed her rocking chair and "table" all the way to the kitchen.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting all these fun pictures! Such a busy, happy little girl! Love, Gramma
