Saturday, October 23, 2010

more summer fun

these are some random pictures from july of this year. a little bit of everything! enjoy!

glenn had mattie pose outside the barn at our favorite time of day - sunset!
sweet little mattie

reading a fun new book that she got for her birthday from the millers (kevin, patsy, seth & derek)

mattie and i spent a few hours at harrison lake one morning. she loved the slides!

hugging cousin bekah

block creations on the window sill

baling straw!!

we drove out to lancaster, PA to spend a few days with kevin and anna. one evening we went to a fun park downtown.

church on sunday morning was outside at a camp

uncle kevin had gone on a long run right before church, and was ready for a nap by the time lunch was over :)

thanks for a great time, kevin & anna! you were wonderful hosts!

on the way home from PA, we met gramma & grampa kauffman along the turnpike for ice cream!

mattie only slightly enjoyed her cone. i think half of it fell in her bib!

meeting our precious new niece, abigail zion, born july 11

sunday school class get-together at doug & michelle's

hunting woodchucks...from the front porch

first sweet corn

glenn and i went to a bed & breakfast in grand rapids, OH for our 6th anniversary. one evening we took a walk along the maumee river to watch the sunset.

we haven't quite mastered self-portraits :)
picnic at harrison lake with gramma & grampa kauffman. waving at the boaters.

mattie wanted gramma to go down the slide with her

before mattie...

here she comes! quick, snap a picture before she's off running again!

reading "little bobo" with grampa

Thursday, October 7, 2010

summer & Bible school

here are some fun pictures from early summer (before mattie's birthday), including a few from her first VBS. she joined a big group of 2 and 3-year-olds in the nursery for playtime and snacks. one day, karen wyse brought her guitar and a box of fun instruments to lead the kids in a short time of singing. they loved it!

picnic at our house with grandma & grandpa nofziger, uncle galen and mattie's new friend, dave lawrence. some people thought i was asking for goofy faces in this picture...

watermelon!! at first, she was more interested in chewing on the rind...

...then she found the sweet stuff!

our lazy pooches!
helping grandpa nofziger run the loader

grandpa kisses

the guys helped with glenn's mulch project that evening

mattie wanted to help, too! dave patiently showed her how. :)

mattie's joy after eating her first swiss cake roll with daddy

mommy's little garden helper

enjoying the pool on a hot summer afternoon

singing with karen

choosing their instruments

"He's got the whole world, in His hands..."

Saturday, October 2, 2010

trip to durham

in may we went to north carolina to visit jason and lisa. it was our first time seeing them in their new home, which is super-cute and cozy. we had a great time hanging out, eating some awesome southern food (and ice cream!), and enjoying the sights and sounds of durham and chapel hill. a highlight for glenn and i was our double date with jason and lisa to see the musical, wicked! a highlight for mattie was a trip to the museum of life and science. you were wonderful hosts, jason and lisa (and max)! mattie talked about our time there for weeks after we got home. "where max go?" thanks for a great time!

reading "caps for sale" with aunt lisa

smelling a magnolia flower on our tour of the UNC campus

awww! you guys are so cute!

beautiful rose garden on the front lawn at UNC

where's aunt lisa?

family pic

shooting hoops in the dean smith center

enjoying some scrumptious carolina BBQ



playing letters with uncle jason

yummy desserts and coffee before the show


butterfly house at the museum of life and science

they were everywhere...and not timid at all!

mattie making new friends

getting a drink...kind of!

the dinosaur trail was fun, plus it was in the shade!

showing aunt lisa the flower on her shirt...or maybe the piece of fruit that dropped on it!

the museum had an awesome discovery center for young children - mattie loved it!

building with blocks


looking at pictures on the camera