Monday, May 10, 2010


mattie loves to play with her cousins, rebekah and andre. on this particular day in early march, they were together to play while glenn and wendell pruned apple trees. they had all kinds of fun, watching a "jay-jay" video, coloring with sidewalk chalk and riding bikes.

mattie crawled up on this chair to see what andre was coloring...and to play with his hair!

it was fun until she started hugging a little too hard and pushing him off the chair!

the kids enjoyed coloring on this metal barrel with sidewalk chalk

bekah helped me pose the little ones for a picture

little artists

bekah and mattie. i love bekah's grin!

bekah teaching mattie how to draw a circle

playing outside on a nice evening in early spring. mattie loves to push around her shopping cart (or anything else with wheels!) and fill it with random things.

we had these straw bales stacked on the west side of our house to insulate from winter winds. time to come down soon, i hope!

mattie is learning how to pose and smile for pictures. i love this cheesy grin!